Ella at 16 Months

The little nugget is becoming a kid! Ella has grown up so much this summer: from practicing getting into and out the pool on her own to playing in the rare Las Vegas rain, Ella is figuring out her world!


In July, Ella had her 15 month checkup. She was 27 inches tall and whopping 17 pounds! Although, not even on the growth chart still, she is growing so we are thrilled. Here’s what Ella has been up to the last couple of months.

Her favorite colors are green and blue. Every time she grabs a lego block or magnet off of the fridge, it’s a green one and a blue one. We’ve outgrown the traumatic days of getting dressed as Ella is now helping by putting her arms through shirts and lifting her feet up to get shorts on and off. She loves giving Topo treats and even gets Topo’s food bowl ready by setting it on the ground and picking it up and putting it away when Topo is done eating.

She is still afraid of everyone besides Mom, Dad, and Miss Janet. Speaking of Miss Janet, now that Ella’s hair is long enough Miss Janet has been styling her hair in all the cute ways! Although she isn’t tall enough to climb up on the couch yet, she can get off the couch on her own safely. She’s still a great sleeper as she’s graduated to one nap from about 10am-12:30pm. Ella also graduated to a convertible carseat so her brother Miles can use her infant carseat.

She’s still a pretty good eater, although now that she’s been exposed to Kids’ Clif Bars and bread, she has more of an opinion these days. She’s learning how to use a spoon and fork. She gives forehead hugs: where she puts her forehead against your forehead. (We should probably teach her how to give real hugs). She has all of her incisor teeth in and four molars; she’s working on the other molars now. Teething for Ella isn’t horrible, but it’s not a walk in the park either: she’s usually pretty needy, gets a runny nose, and requires some drugging every once in awhile. In early August, after a five hour afternoon nap, we knew something was wrong. She woke up on fire, with with a fever of 103.9. The culprit: new teeth!

Getting a ready smile from Ella isn’t easy, but once this kid starts laughing, it is impossible to not laugh with her. She laughs running away from Topo, getting tickled by Mom or Dad, and playing ‘Monster’ with Dad. She wants to play on our phones, bob her body around to music, and be wherever we are. Her next big adventure will be when her brother arrives. To be continued…