Ella at 18 months!

Little nugget rang in her 18 months with a visit to the pediatrician’s office where she measured 18 pounds even and 27 inches tall!

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We are so proud of Ella as she has accomplished a lot in the last two months. We are most proud of how loving, interested, and gentle she is with her little “Bratha.” We are thoroughly enjoying all of Ella, even her regular use of, “No, no, no.” :) So what has she been up to?

Ella knows her colors (most of the time). Dad and Ella play a fun game with various colored kid cushions we have. Dad says a color and Ella has to go stand on the cushion of that color. She is always laughing as they play. Ella is able to sign when she is doing something related to pooping or peeing…or farting. She gives the same sign for all three so if she’s grunting we know it’s a poop. Ella knows most of her body parts, including her elbows and shoulders. She pretty much mimics whatever we do and always wants to help. We bought her some steps so she can be at counter level in the kitchen, where she helps make breakfast.

She loves stuffed animals now, especially her elephant. She recognizes that she is Ella and although she doesn’t say her own name, she does say, “Mom,” “Dad,” and “Bratha.” She has also added (on occasion) ‘edge,’ ‘ice,’ ‘hot,’ and ‘chair,’ to her vocabulary.

She enjoys playing with water more and more and has a small obsession with airplanes. Every time she hears one, she points to the sky and says, “Broom.” Because of this, we have spent some time at North Las Vegas airport watching the airplanes take off and land.

One of the most enjoyable things Ella does right now is reenact events, especially if she falls. She points to where it happened and brings her hand to her forehead to explain that she got hurt, all through her cries. It is quite entertaining to ask her again and again, “Ella, tell me what happened,” and watch her replay the events.