Ella at 14 Months

She’s on the move! Ella loves walking around the house, following Mom or Dad from room to room and from inside to outside. She loves practicing steps, up and down, up and down…over and over…and over :). Her explorations have not come without injury…you may notice some face bruises in these pictures. She knows that socks and shoes go on her feet and that she must be going somewhere when we put them on.

It’s amazing how much kids understand at this age! Ella is able to point to various body parts, waves at every animal that comes by, waves goodbye (after she can’t see the person anymore), is now able to sign that she’s ‘all done’ with something. We’re still working on ‘drink’ and have added ‘poop’ to the signing mix. When asked how old she is, she will hold up her index finger. She loves laughing when everyone around her is laughing. Ella has more teeth coming in, including molars! With summer here, we are spending a lot of time in the backyard.

We’ve visited with friends and even had a short visit from Grandma and Grandpa K!