Ella is ONE!

Ella has made one full trip around the sun; we all survived and we’re still married! Scott and I decided that as neither of birthday party people, we would start our family traditions of ‘having experiences’ for our birthdays. Ella’s Year One experience will be a beautiful Sunday afternoon at the Las Vegas Aviators ballpark.


Here’s where we stand after 365 days of growing the baby: Ella weighs 16 pounds, is 25.5 inches long and has a head that is 18 inches around! She is still at the very bottom of the growth curve for height and weight, but her head has her in the 50 percentile! Go Ella!

Food she won’t ever turn away: pancakes, bananas, blueberries, peas, green beans, grilled cheese, yogis, and puffs. By far, her FAVORITE food is blueberries.

Food she likes, but has to be in the mood for: cottage cheese, peanut butter, squash, corn, rice, eggs, and chicken.

Food she doesn’t seem to enjoy at the moment: carrots and yogurt.

Ella is no longer drinking from a bottle (um, sweet!); she’s graduated to sippy cups and drinking from a straw, which she absolutely loves. She now says, “Dada” and points at objects; mostly randomly at the ceiling.

Ella has also mastered a sign language sign for ‘more.’ She mostly associates it with food and lets you know when ‘more’ food better be added to her tray. We are working on ‘all done’ and ‘drink’ now.

Ella is still cruising along walls and toys, but especially loves holding your hand as you walk her around. She hasn’t gained the confidence just yet to take steps on her own. She loves looking out the kitchen bay window and bouncing her little body to all sorts of music. “Itsy Bitsy Spider” radio is playing on Pandora most of the day. She is still an amazing sleeper, taking two naps throughout the day and sleeping about 11 hours straight at night. She is shy and needs time to warm up to people. She is happiest when she is holding one of her blankies. She is most upset when she is getting clothes put on. She continues to be a great traveler. She is learning that she can’t throw food off her tray; instead she has to put it in Mom or Dad’s hand.

Her favorite books right now are: “The Shape of Me,” “Ten Twinkly Stars,” and “Goodnight Moon.”

Over the last month, Ella went to her first Aviators’ baseball game, traveled to Williams, AZ to celebrate both her grandmas’ 70th birthdays, hung with lots of friends, and explored the outdoors.