Miles at Eight Months

Miles is 2/3 of a year old! Woohoo! After reading what I wrote for the ‘Miles at Seven Months’ post, not too much has changed. In the past month, Miles hasn’t met any major milestones, but he continues to experience new things with his signature smile.

He has his top two central incisors working their way in, so by next month, I anticipate he will have his front FOUR teeth in! Miles isn’t really any closer to crawling, but we’re spending lots of time on the floor so he has the opportunity to practice if he’s interested. He is ticklish under his neck and on his thighs. He went in the pool for the first time and enjoys sitting on the step, chewing on a diving stick. Miles has added cottage cheese, yogurt and beans to his diet. He has tried puffs, teething crackers, broccoli, and cauliflower but isn’t a fan of chewing too much yet.

Miles went camping with the family and met Cousin Tyler and Uncle Evan for the first time. His favorite thing to do these days is sit on a blanket outside with something to chew on and watch his sister.