Miles at Seven Months

Miles is seven months old and although he has spent this last month in quarantine, he has grown so much! So what has this little monkey man done? He is now sitting up by himself without a problem! I’m not saying I would plop him down on a tile floor for five minutes, but I will leave him to rely on his balancing skills on carpet. He eats anything we give him: pumpkin, squash, carrots, apple, pear, banana, blueberry, strawberry, and the list goes on. Some feedings he packs away 4 ounces no problem; other times, he fusses and I don’t even get two spoonfuls in his mouth before I give up. He isn’t crawling, but he enjoys being on his tummy so much more than Ella ever did, that I do anticipate he’ll crawl in the next couple months. Unlike my post last month, where I described a needy and whiney six month old, Miles has learned that someone is close by and he needn’t worry. His ability to play independently is so much better! And I’ve saved the best for last…he is sleeping 7-11 hrs straight consistently! Most nights he wakes once in the early morning to feed before going back down for a few hours…I am thrilled!

Although Miles hasn’t hung out with anyone this month, we’ve managed to stay sane between weekly visits to Ms. Janet’s house and social distancing outings with the family.

Let’s talk about Miles’s sister for a minute here. Most of the time, Ella cares greatly for her brother. If he cries, she brings him a blanket. If I ask her to go entertain him while I finish washing dishes, she happily obliges. No one makes him smile quite like Ella does. It’s not all peaches and cream around here though. Ella also takes toys right out of Miles’s hands. And share her ‘travel blanket’ with Miles? No way! It gets better. At daycare, she released some gas and was politely asked by another boy there to excuse herself. Ella replied, “No, Bro Bro did it.” Ah, this is what we’ve been waiting for. Now they are officially siblings. :)