Miles at Nine Months

Miles is 3/4 of a year old and continues to smile so brightly! His smile is gaining some new features, as he has spent the last month welcoming in (not so warmly) his top central incisors, with the top lateral incisors not far behind!

Miles ended his ninth month of life weighing in at 20 pounds, 14 ounces (he hasn’t quite caught up with his sister), standing 25 inches tall (same as at six months), and with an 18.5 inch head on top! This last month Miles has been busy trying to learn new skills. My favorite new skill is that he’ll wave back to you when you wave at him! He is super comfortable sitting and is getting up on his knees. Although he still isn’t crawling, he may start getting around using a half bottom/half knee scoot. He likes standing up and can hold on pretty well. Miles is mostly waking once (eating and then easily going back to sleep) at night, but he has slept through the night on occasion! Speaking of eating, he’s drinking more formula and less breastmilk these days. Mom was losing her supply and then broke her arm, so that really put a damper on things. He has adjusted seamlessly to formula, so we are grateful! Miles is also eating more real food. Although surprisingly, he’d rather be fed than feed himself, he has had peanut butter (multiple times with no reaction), grits, hash browns, eggs (multiple times with no reaction), avocado, blueberries, and bread! His absolute favorite things to do are watch his sister and throw things, sometimes at his sister. We’re trying to show him that he can throw balls, but not legos or puzzle pieces or food or blocks or cups or…the list goes on.

As businesses are opening back up, we are getting out and about more and more and enjoying seeing old friends and visiting new places!