Valley of Fire State Park, NV

We spent a beautiful Veterans Day weekend with the Greene Family exploring Valley of Fire State Park! Thanks to Lili, who reserved two campsites well in advanced, we were able to spend the long weekend climbing on nature’s playground!

This bighorn sheep came to visit our campsite just before we left.

Although the nights were cold, the days were warm; no jackets needed under the sun. We hiked to Mouse’s Tank and then Fire Wave at sunset. The kids did great and Miles, believe it or not, didn’t complain once about his legs being tired! Although, he still had plenty of other items to voice his dissatisfaction for. Ella and Nolan played so well together and when we weren’t out on a trail, the kids climbed all over the red rocks near our campground.

While Miles napped, we were able to take the electric bikes out for a ride and even caught a bighorn sheep hanging out at our campground as we were packing up. We enjoyed nightly campfires and while the kids (and adults) enjoyed s’mores, the adults enjoyed samples from Brian’s stellar whisky collection.

Prior to this year, Nevada did not have a state park camping reservation system; it was always ‘first come-first served.’ For the planners of the world, the new reservation system is so much better!