Annular Eclipse in Marysvale, UT

The next time we’re going to see one of these in the United States is 20 years from now! About a year prior, we reserved the refurbished train cars north of Marysvale, UT to be at the centerline for the annular eclipse on Oct. 14th, 2023. We met the Ekberg Family and Don for this spectacular weekend!

The crowd cheered as this is what we saw through our solar glasses! It was more impressive than I had imagined.

There were nearly clear skies for this once in a lifetime event. With the moon beginning its coverage of the sun at about 9:30am and peaking about an hour later, we drove a few miles north of our train car to be at the exact centerline. It was quite the experience. The temperature dropped considerably (we went from wearing sweatshirts, to putting on our winter jackets and hats), but it didn’t get as dark as I was expecting. With just 10% of the sunlight reaching the Earth, it still looked like it was just reaching dusk outside.

With the eclipse over before noon, we had an entire day to enjoy with everyone! The weather and Fall colors were just what my Michigan heart needed. The kids played in the huge grass area, the adults rode bikes, drank beer, and caught up on life. I even went zip lining for the first time with Jamaica’s Mom and Aunt Carol! Although Jamaica couldn’t join us, the kids had a fantastic time hanging out together and we look forward to our next adventure somewhere off of I-15!