Ella Turns FOUR!

If we could pause Ella at this age for awhile, we would. She is independent, helpful, sweet, smart, curious, playful, funny, snuggly and adventurous. And as we were hoping, with Ella’s help, we have tamed Miles! :)

Blowing out her candles at her very low key, rainbow themed birthday party.

What does our sweet girl enjoy doing? Ella loves to watch Rescue Bots and anything with Spider Man, Ghost Spider, or Miles Morales. It all started with a short clip of a Spider Man movie where Spider Man and Iron Man hold a giant ferry boat together. Since then, both she and her brother have been hooked. To celebrate Ella’s 4th birthday, we visited the Avengers Exhibit at Treasure Island. Here, she was able to act as Thor, see Iron Man’s progression of suits, and even sit on Capitan America’s motorcycle.

Ella continues to be an amazing eater, always eating her fruits and vegetables first before delving into her sweet treats at Ms. Janet’s. She is willing to try to new things and we are amazed at the quantity her little body can consume! When asked what her favorite foods are, she replied, “Chocolate chips, M&Ms, and Cheese-its.” She also loves edamame beans, rice, yogurt, waffles, pancakes, and strawberries. At her four year check up, Ella weighed 29.5 lbs and measured 3 ft. and 1/4 inch tall! She loves riding her bike and scooter, but is not a fan of brushing her teeth. She loves singing along to “Peace like a River” and “This Little Light of Mine.” She doesn’t like it when Miles bothers her or when she gets a time out. She continues to love to color, paint and read books. She excels at puzzles and magnetic tiles. She gets herself ready in the morning. The only thing she doesn’t do is brush her hair. She is still wearing an eye patch, but I imagine that she won’t have to much longer. She would love for Topo to sleep in her bed (but Topo sleeps with us) and will also pet Topo every chance she gets.

Ella and Miles both started soccer in January. Ella does a class where she is by herself with her coaches. We have heard nothing but positive comments from her coaches about Ella’s awesomeness. She is attentive and works hard. Nightly she asks me, “Can I sleep in your bed?” with a whiney voice. She is willingly giving up her nap and possibly starting pre-school in the Fall. She acknowledges that she is scared to start school, but declares that she will be brave. She loves to wrestle where I am the bad guy.

She says things like, “Where were we when dinosaurs were around?” and “I’m not sure I believe in God because I have never seen him, but I have seen Santa so I believe in him.”

Everywhere we go, someone will comment on her beautiful red hair, adorable glasses, or just all around cuteness. She draws eyes to her for her uniqueness. She gracefully accepts the compliments with timid ‘thank yous.’

Her relationship with Miles is amazing. He drives her crazy at times, but she wants to hold his hand, help him do things, let him go first, share her treats, wrestle, and love on him. Four looks so good on Ella. I want to keep her here for just a little while longer.