Ella Turns THREE!

Our sweet little Nugget is now THREE! Slowly, but surely, Ella is coming out of her shell! She has even started going to a dance class once a week, where she shakes her little body with other toddlers! Speaking of little, over the last year her adorable body grew to 33 inches tall and a whopping 26 lbs!


First, let’s talk about some the things that Ella can do now that she wasn’t doing at two. Ella speaks clearly and uses complex sentences such as, “Mom, help remind me to turn Miles’s car seat around.” Or, “I want to take my sandals off so I can feel the grass on my feet.” She pretty much speaks like a little adult, which she likes to say, “I’ll pretend to be an adult, you pretend to be a kid.”

She loves to run in circles, play, “I’m going to get you” but only if she’s the getter. She loves watching Cocomelon and reading books from memory. She wants so badly to ride her bike, but her feet don’t quite reach the pedals, even with additional blocks Dad put on. She loves bracelets and being on the left side. She loves playing pretend doctor, pretend take care of baby, and pretend make a cake. She loves bike rides and tracing her hands.

She knows all her letters (capital and lowercase). She can count to 30. With chalk, she can write Mom. Because of Janet, she knows a number of site words and words in Spanish as well. She still loves blue and green, but has added teal, dark purple, and black to her list of favorite colors.

When Ella was almost two and a half, we potty trained her. She did amazing, however, it took us about six very long months, to get her to poop in the toilet. She would hold it until night and just poop in her diaper every night. BUT, we are sooo past that!

A few months shy of three, Ella got glasses! Her right eye has awful vision and is somewhat lazy (although it’s not noticeable), so she also gets to wear a patch over her left eye for half of her day. We are so impressed with her flexibility in wearing her glasses and her eyepatch.

Ella has mastered all of our backyard playground, including walking across the bridge. She loves to eat chocolate chip waffles and pancakes, yogurt, avocado sandwiches, peas and CheeseIts.

She is shy, yet shown her bravery (willing to go into her dance class without Mom in the room). She is tiny, yet big (she mastered climbing up the disks on the playground). She is serious, but silly. She is a rule follower, but also copies others, whether they’re following the rules or not. She loves Miles…there is no ‘but’ here. Even when he hits her and takes her toys, she is so forgiving. We could all learn a little from Ella.

Speaking of Miles, their friendship has become something special to watch. Miles is now in a toddler bed in Ella’s room and they have act super silly in there by themselves. She always wants him around. She wants to read to him, tuck him in, and teach him everything she knows. Scott and I joke that we’re pretty much done parenting Miles, because Ella can handle the rest.

She says, “Watch this!” all the time. She could nap all afternoon if I let her. She would sleep in until 7 if Miles let her. She got her first library card and enjoys picking out new books. She always helps push the grocery cart and has recently started helping Dad with his fix-it projects. She loves to drive with the windows down and eat fried green beans without the ‘fried’ part. She would rather be outside than inside, loves butterflies because Ms. Janet loves butterflies, and frequently asks to go camping. She loves painting and when Ms. Janet paints her fingernails. She wants to do most things by herself, but often whines, “I can’t do it,” shortly afterwards. She washes her own hair and body, and does a pretty darn good job brushing her teeth too. She loves the Golden Knights and her friends Olivia and Maxton. She cries when she know she did something wrong.

We’ve been waiting for this milestone and are thrilled with who Ella is: kind, compassionate, smart (she oftentimes remembers such tiny details from a single experience that we are amazed!), curious, and silly. Now we wait for her to tame her brother’s wild personality! :)