Ella at Ten Months

She’s hit double digits!! Ella is doing fantastic and Mom and Dad are super grateful for how ‘easy’ Ella seems to be these days!

First of all, our little nugget got her first two teeth! Her bottom, central incisors have come in without too much drama. Whew! Ella plays independently very well, which gives me a chance to update this :) She is also getting much more comfortable with other people holding her!

Physically, Ella is getting stronger. She army crawls on her belly, but it’s not her favorite way to get around. She would much rather hold on to Mom or Dad’s hands and walk around the house. She is able to cruise along the sides of furniture, which is pretty much her favorite thing to do these days. She continues to sleep great and will happily play in her crib for 30 minutes after she wakes up.

In addition to time at home, we enjoyed a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Kienzle and her first snowfall! A few other notables: Ella has learned how to clap and will bounce when music plays. She also is a huge breakfast eater! She’ll eat multiple eggs (scrambled), a whole banana, and 20 blueberries in one sitting!