Ella at Nine Months

What has this little Nugget been up to the last month? First of all, Ella is sleeping through the night consistently! Yay! She goes to bed about 6pm and wakes up about 5am. We have said that whether Ella is awake in her crib or Topo is bouncing around waiting for breakfast, the house doesn’t open til 5am!


Ella is also pulling herself up to stand and getting quite a handle on her balance. Although she still isn’t crawling, she is pushing herself backwards on her belly (which she usually does whining because she’s trying to go forward).

Despite Ella still not having any teeth, she is expanding her diet. She eats spaghetti with ground turkey, veggie tater tots, Yogis (yogurt bites), cheese, and whatever else is soft enough for her toothless mouth to handle. Ella is also off breastmilk and entirely on formula…her dairy cow dried up.

Ella had her 9 month doctor’s visit and landed herself at 14 lbs even, 23.5 inches long and a head rounding out at 17.5 inches. She is still a less than 1% body holding up a 50% head.

Ella still loves being outside, the Golden Knights, her blankets, and watching the dogs do everything. She is happy being near Mom and Dad. Ella doesn’t love diaper changes, getting dressed (which explains the large number of naked baby pictures on this post), or being alone. We love you Nugget!