Ella at Three Months

I'll admit it...the first month with Ella was really, really hard. It was really hard for all the reasons that you would assume: lack of sleep, crying, etc...and that wasn't just Ella! Thank goodness Ella didn't have sore nipples too! BUT, as we are bringing Ella's third month of life to a close, our lives has not only gotten easier, they are fun and full of joy! How so? Let me share with you. 


Ella smiles all the time; she wakes up smiling. She smiles with her entire body.

She will sit on my lap for lengths of time just wanting to be a part of the group. She plays with her hands and sucks on them to soothe herself. She blows lots of bubbles and farts more than her parents (which says a lot!). 

She will sleep for nearly eight hours straight on occasion. She has a flat back of her head because I haven't done enough 'tummy time' with her. Because her intestines are more mature now, she only poops about once a week now. Boy oh boy, is it a big one, but it definitely makes changing diapers easy (for now). 

Although for awhile she didn't want anyone besides Mom or Dad to hold her, she has grown out of that fear thanks to Janet, the woman who will watch Ella while we are at work.


Because Ella does amazing in the car, she has been able to visit lots of places including Boulder City, Mount Charleston, Oatman, AZ, Long Beach, CA, St. George, UT, and the Grand Canyon.

You could say that I am slightly excited to start the school year because of two reasons: I'll be working part time and Ella is with the most amazing caregiver I could have hoped. Ella has spent four days with Janet so far. If my biggest fear is that Ella will love Janet more than me, then I know she is with the right person. :)