Ella at Two Months

We have been so fortunate that we have been able to stay home with Ella this entire time! There is so much that we have seen her do in these last four weeks!


First and foremost, Ella has met so many wonderful people; from family flying in from Michigan to friends down the street, we are blessed that Ella has lots of love in her life. We've been able to capture some, not all, of those encounters below.  

On June 28th, Ella went in for her two month pediatrician appointment where she weighed in at 9 pounds, 15 ounces, and measured 20 inches long! She has gained about two pounds and a little over an inch since birth. Ella also had her first round of vaccinations; she was a trooper. 

So, what have we learned about Ella over the last month? She is great night time sleeper, as she is sleeping for stretches of four to six hours, but a 'not so good yet' day time napper, with most naps only lasting 30 minutes. It's possible that she will be left handed as most of her movements to play with objects on her play mat are done with her left arm. She smiles regularly, has started to 'talk' to us more, accepted that diaper changes will happen regularly (possibly because she realizes that the result is more comfortable than her current situation), loves the carseat, attentively listens to Dad read her books, and enjoys the challenge of reaching for objects on her play mat.