Miles at 16 Months

Miles is quite the character! He is, as mentioned in the previous post, becoming such a good listener! In addition to his listening ears, he is revealing his sweetness and sense of humor! And I can’t forget that shortly after 14 months, he started using those tree trunks to walk!

As the holiday lover that I am, we did all the holiday things that we could safely do in the month leading up to Christmas; including a socially distanced visit with Santa!

Unlike past posts where there wasn’t a lot to share or Miles was in the midst of a developmental leap (niceties for grumpy), I am thrilled to be giving this update! Miles is walking everywhere and sleeping amazingly! Whereas in the last couple of months, he was waking up before 5am most days, he is now sleeping in! (By sleeping in, I mean, waking up at 6am)! At his 15 month well-health appointment, his head measured 19 inches in circumference, his weight was 23 lbs, 8 oz, and he was 28 inches tall!

Around the house, Miles is such a helper. He puts his dirty diapers in the trash, his dirty clothes in the laundry basket, helps give Topo her meals, and 75% of the time, does what I ask him to do! When it is bath time, he is thrilled to help take off his clothes, although he is still not a fan of getting clothes put on. He adamantly shakes his head ‘No’ when he doesn’t want something. And says, ‘Hmm’ with an emphatic head nod when he does want something. He says, “Dad, dog, duck (which all sound the same), hot, hat (which also sound the same) and Mom.” He laughs on demand, is becoming more independent, and loves his blankets, books, and baths! We are very much looking forward to the joy Miles will bring us all!