Miles at 14 Months

The last two months have been such a difference maker! Our one-time screamer, who would smile and proceed when we said, “No,” is now an occasional whiner who does in fact, listen to us! This is such a reason to celebrate!

Although our little man has only taken a few steps on his own, he is doing so many other wonderful things! He loves walking while holding on to someone’s finger. He gives out hugs and kisses that will melt your heart. He is still sleeping and eating amazingly well. He knows how to sign “more” when he wants more food. Speaking of food, he has 14 teeth to munch on just about everything! Other than “Mom” and “Dad,” everything else is said with an emphatic, “Da!” He can point to various body parts, including his hair and his teeth. He loves looking at books with animals and faces. He also is fascinated with cell phones, anything with wheels, and whatever Ella is playing with. He is not fascinated with diaper changes and getting clothes put on.