Miles at Three Months

Bro Bro, as Ella (and now us) affectionately calls Miles these days, is doing great! He is smiling all the time and so much more aware of his surroundings! He’s discovered his hands and will suck on them to self soothe. Occasionally, he’ll reach and grab one of the toys on his play mat or bouncer.


Miles is sleeping longer stretches (over five hours) which makes this mama very happy! He continues to eat well too! Unlike his sister at this age, Miles is happily held by anyone! While Mom and Dad went to a Golden Knights game, Ella and Miles were watched by Lindsy and her daughter Belen for the first time. They’re willing to come back, so the kids must’ve done something right! Miles continues to do great at Miss Janet’s while Mom and Dad are working.

Ella continues to love on her little brother, giving him toys, reading next to him, and petting him ALL THE TIME. Miles willingly accepts all the petting and poking.