Miles at Two Months

We are surviving! Actually, I think I might even say that we are handling this “two under two” thing pretty well so far. All the credit goes to Miles as he continues to be a relaxed baby. He doesn’t cry for seemingly no reason, he simply watches you during diaper changes, lets Ella poke at his nose and lips, and as long as his needs are met, he’s happy! This is quite the opposite of Ella who seemed to have a default mode of “mad.”


At his two month pediatrician visit, Miles weighed 12 lbs, 10 oz, measured 21.5 inches long, and had a head circumference of 16 inches. He is about the same size Ella was at 6 months!

So what is this little (big) monkey up to? He is smiling, flailing his arms and legs about, and attentive to your voice and face. He isn’t cooing yet, nor is he sleeping long stretches at night, but his overall easy going personality makes up for it. He starts the night with about three hours of straight sleep and from then on his time asleep ranges from 45 min. to two hours. Let’s hope he figures this sleep thing out sooner rather than later.

We’ve continued to take Miles on adventures, including an impromptu trip to Fresno, CA to buy a new (to us) pop-up trailer. As we’ve both headed back to work, Miles goes with his sister to Miss Janet’s house every other day. He’s become quite the catch over there.

I continue to be grateful that I’m able to stay home every other day as I am able to learn more and more about this sweet boy!