Christmastime in Kanab, UT

We celebrated Christmas with the family in Kanab, UT at a Route 66 themed, little (and I do mean literal “little”) house with snow all around us. Families drove from Utah, Nevada and Arizona to enjoy each other’s company for five days!

Family photo stop along Barricks Trail.

Unfortunately, Duane arrived sick. He was quite the trooper hanging out as much as he could, but he struggled through the days. The first day he finally felt well was the day we were all leaving and Scott, Evan and I started feeling sick (more on that later).

Our first full day in Kanab was spent driving north through the beautiful Johnson Canyon Road. The snow covered mountains were impossible not to stare at. While Ella played in the snow (and Miles avoided it) we all enjoyed the picturesque scenery.

The next day we took a quick 1 mile hike to the Toadstools. If it wasn’t so windy and family wasn’t waiting for our return from the hike, we would have explored this super unique hoodoo area more. We then took the HouseRockValley Road South towards Arizona where we made it to the state line! On this day and all the others, we would return home in the late afternoon with two sleeping kids and ready to play some Nintendo! Yes, Nintendo! Beth brought an upgraded Nintendo with all 600 original Nintendo games! I know you’re jealous!

On Friday, which was New Years Eve, Scott and I woke up with sore throats (we would later learn this was the omicron variant of the coronavirus). We spent the day exploring north of Kanab by river crossing (23 times total) along the Barricks Trail. It was a super cool trail. Unfortunately, because of the freezing temperatures, we didn’t do too much exploring outside of the vehicles.

New Years Day was spent driving home to Las Vegas, hoping we would feel better. Fortunately, Scott felt better by Sunday and I felt better by Wednesday. I was able to get a PCR-lab COVID test on Jan. 3rd and late on Jan. 4th, we learned I was positive. Because I thought Duane had the flu (he had tested negative for COVID upon his arrival), I was pretty surprised with the positive result. We’re both slightly happy that we got it and are able to put it behind us now. For nearly two years we were able to stay safe, but alas it was no more.