Lake Las Vegas

Three years! Three years! That’s how long it had been that we had a night without kids! (And giving birth to Miles in the hospital while Ella stayed with my parents does not count)! Thanks to our amazing daycare provider, Ms. Janet, we had two nights of stay-cationing at Lake Las Vegas! When we initially asked her about watching the kids overnight, she said, “Bring $5 and cute pajamas.” She’s more than amazing!

Our first day was spent hiking Gold Strike Trail to the hot springs and Colorado River. We had done this hike five years ago, but didn’t make it to the river because we had Patches with us. Patches was a trooper going up and down all the ropes, but we weren’t aware there is so much rock scrambling. This time around, it was just the two of us and it felt a lot harder. Apparently two kids and a pandemic later has an effect on your physique. While in the area, we also stopped along the new 11 Freeway Bridge that crosses over the river and gives an amazing view of the Hoover Dam. This side stop was something that I was thrilled we did. The engineering is crazy impressive!

Waking up on my own accord, not as the result of a buzzing alarm or a demanding child, was glorious! We drove to Boulder City for breakfast and stopped at Hemingway Park to check out the grazing Bighorn Sheep. The remainder of the day was spent kayaking, paddle boarding, eating, and drinking around Lake Las Vegas. Amazingly, we got to have conversations without interruptions, quality time without distraction, and fun without crying!