Spring Break in Williams, AZ with the Family

With both Scott’s Mom and my Mom turning 70 in the next two months, we thought a perfect way to spend our Spring Break would be celebrating them! Gary, Sheila, Marcia, and Duane joined in the festivities.

For three days, we rented a beautiful ‘cabin’ just South of Williams, AZ. (This ‘cabin’ was 3,000 square feet of all the upgrades).

Picture taken off the VRBO site.

Picture taken off the VRBO site.

The first day was spent taking a just over two hour train ride to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. We spent the afternoon enjoying the vastness of the Canyon, the beautiful weather and some delicious ice cream. Ella had mint chocolate chip and cookies ‘n cream ice cream for the first time! Needless to say, she was a fan!

We spent the second day exploring one of Gary’s bucket list items: Sycamore Canyon. Oh my goodness, it did not disappoint. About 15 miles Southeast of Williams, lies this giant, colorful, hidden canyon. The best part: we were nearly the only people there! Unfortunately, while gathering firewood on the return trip, Duane sliced his thumb open pretty badly. He and Gary spent the evening getting Duane six stitches in Flagstaff. I always say, it would not be a Lautzenheiser trip unless something unexpected happened.

The weekend would not be complete without celebrating the Grandmas! Each enjoyed their favorite cakes: Marcia’s was mint chocolate chip ice cream cake and Sheila’s was a flourless chocolate cake. With Ella turning one in just a week, she got a little celebrating too!

It’s not often that I want to go back to the same place, but we look forward to renting this cabin again when the kids are older to enjoy the Polar Express train around Christmastime!