Ella at Five Months

Ella has been a busy girl this month. She attended her first baseball and hockey games. And as any good mother would, I’ve made sure that she has cheered on the Spartans and Lions (from the couch) too!

Ella loves going to Miss Janet’s house, despite what her face shows below! All the kids are so good to Ella. They want to play with her, shower her with presents, and they cheer her on as she tackles new tasks, like rolling over. Her friend Paisley sings her ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ on a daily basis. She is so blessed to be surrounded by such a great tribe!

Ella has spent time with family and friends, including dinner at Erin’s and An’s, where Aiden, despite Ella’s resistance, dotted all over her. :) Ella enjoyed a trip to work to watch Mom play in a Teacher vs. Student basketball game and she loved her visit from Grandma and Uncle Duane.

Ella is happy just hanging out around the house and going on short adventures! We think that we have discovered a little of Ella’s personality, although this is probably par for the course with most babies. We’ve noticed that she might be shy as she smiles at people and then looks away and covers her face with her blanket or hands. She may be impatient, as she seems to get frustrated easily when she can’t carryout a task she wants. And when she’s hungry, the girl needs to eat. She is also super observant. She notices everything and is content just watching the world around her. She is revealing more and more of her little self each and every day.