Ella at Seven Months

Seven months has brought on many new experiences for out little nugget! Ella experienced her first two major holidays: Halloween and Thanksgiving! For Halloween, we dressed Ella up as a pumpkin without any resistance!

A few ‘not so exciting’ firsts also came her way. Ella experienced her first cold, which she fought off that stuffy and runny nose like a champ! Ella was also evaluated and fitted for a helmet to correct her misshapen head next week! We’re looking forward to rockin’ some Vegas Knights decor on it!

Ella went hunting for the first time. Although no one saw a single quail, Ella was still happy riding in the truck and walking around in the desert with Topo and Patches.

Ella has met more friends and family that love her. She had a chance to hang out with her grandparents for a week over Thanksgiving break. Ella had her first taste of mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes; although, what seems to really peak Ella’s tastebuds is Grandma K’s raspberry vinaigrette dressing! Who would have thought?!

Ella is sitting up on her own better. She still prefers to be on her back as opposed to her tummy. She’s trying (and swallowing) various foods little by little, although she still doesn’t have any teeth.

Ella is laughing. She laughs when Dad tickles her and when she knocks down her blocks. She laughs at puppets and the dogs. The ‘blanket peek-a-boo’ game seems to be one of her favorites. Her giggles bring us so much joy!