Miles Turns TWO!

We will break Miles last six months of life up into BHC and AHC; ‘Before Hair Cut’ and ‘After Hair Cut.’ This sweet, still blonde-haired boy has grown up so much in the last six months, especially his exploding vocabulary! His favorite phrases are, “Red milk right now,“ “Follow me right now,” “Bro turn right now,” and “Mom, Dad, watch me right now!” You can see a theme running throughout. Quite regularly, he speaks in full sentences. It’s wonderful! And although many of those sentences are making demands, he will happily say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ as well.


Miles spends his days alternating between harassing Ella and apologizing to Ella. In between, he loves to bring his brown teddy bear, who he affectionately calls, “Corduroy” everywhere. If he could wear his rainbow shoes, red/blue shorts and dinosaur shirt everyday, he would. He likes to sweep and read “Room on the Broom” and “The Gruffalo.” He is good at kicking his legs to ‘swim’ in the pool. He loves spinning in circles (imagine a baby competing in shot put), and running intensely with raised brows. Speaking of raised brows, Miles widens his eyes and raises his eye brows all the time; it is hilarious. He still loves trucks, watching the Raiders, and whacking random objects.

He knows his letters and can count to ten (with seven through nine a hit or miss). He loves to snuggle before bed and always asks, “Sleep with me Mom. Go away don’t Mom.” He is affectionate, silly, and intensely shy. So shy in fact, that when people look at him, he immediately looks away. We blame COVID. He doesn’t willingly eat near as many fruits as vegetables as Ella, but he does love the green smoothies we make in the morning. His favorite foods are Costco spinach/cheese ravioli, cheese its, waffles/pancakes, and breakfast bars. He prefers to sleep in just his diapers, has pooped on the toilet a handful of times (but also has pooped in the bathtub a handful of times), and seems to catch every possible cold virus that comes his way. He loves to climb on us, be tickled, and wants to do everything Ella does. He wrapped up his second trip around the sun measuring 32 inches tall and weighing in at 28 pounds! He loves his family and we look forward to watching him grow!