Miles at Eleven Months

Oh my gosh…this little dude is almost one! This sweet face has become so much more of a kid (as opposed to a baby) this past month.


Miles is crawling and climbing all over the place! He is standing up confidently and will walk crazy fast while holding on to his walker. He loves climbing on cushions to get on the couch and doesn’t seem fearful of falling off. You’d think his spill off of the bed while on Mom’s watch would have taught him that gravity is oh so real. His passion for cutlery is steadfast as he prefers to feed himself using a fork or spoon now. He’s added a straw cup to his drinking repertoire. He is also pointing which gives us the opportunity to say more words to him. His vocabulary consists of lots of “da”s and grunts with the occasional scream for old times sake. He is most in love with destroying things that Ella has taken the time to carefully build. His mouth still holds seven teeth, his hair is still blonde and his thighs are still massive. No one will ever sleep as well as Ella, but Miles sleeps well enough for us; he usually sleeping through the night about three nights of the week. The other nights a bottle and some quick Mom snuggles do the trick.

As COVID-19 has a stronghold on the US still, we are grateful for the people we’ve visited with both pictured here and not. We’ve had a wonderful (extended) summer watching Miles and Ella grow together. Their affection for each other is so apparent; the smiles they share with each other, the patience Ella has teaching Miles new things, and the attentive eyes Miles has for Ella just warm our hearts. We’re hoping Ella takes her job as a third parent seriously so Scott and I can throw in the towel.