An Alphabet Rock Garden for Ella

I’m pretty certain that most toddlers have an interest in rocks and the alphabet. Ever since Scott had on a UNLV sweatshirt and one year old Ella pointed to letters curious as to what they were, her interest in letters has exploded. She loves to point out ‘Moms’ ‘Dads’ and ‘Bros’ (Ms, Ds, and Bs) on our shirts or on signs. And ever since she started walking along side of me (instead of being carried) when we’d take Topo out for walks in the desert, she would find rocks to carry around in her little hands. (Except the one time she and I both mistook horse poop for a really cool rock).


Scott bought a bunch of river rock from Star Nursery and we started revamping a small area of the yard. We spray painted some of the smaller rocks and then painted letters and a few other fun designs on them. And of course, just as expected, she carries around the M, D, and B rocks.