Salt Lake City, UT

A three day weekend in November was the perfect excuse to go visit Jamaica and Brian in their new city, Salt Lake City! Ella was, for the most part of a six hour drive, a fantastic travel companion!

Bison on Antelope Island (in the Great Salt Lake) with downtown Salt Lake City in the background.

Bison on Antelope Island (in the Great Salt Lake) with downtown Salt Lake City in the background.

We spend Friday evening catching up over some delicious Thai food and getting a tour of their beautiful new home. Saturday was spent exploring Antelope Island on the South end of the Great Salt Lake. The island offers a unique habit full of water birds, bison, and of course, antelope. The cold winds kept us from exploring too much, but it was still a beautiful place. We were impressed with the landscape and all the city has to offer. Until next time, SLC!

Fall Colors at Kolob Reservoir, UT

Living in Las Vegas, I always miss the Fall colors. The surrounding area definitely has some nice trees that change in November and the higher elevation areas in Mount Charleston produce golden Aspen leaves in early October, but I wanted to see more this year. Southern Utah gave me exactly what I had hoped for!


We took a day trip to visit Duane and the Kolob Reservoir area. Not only were the Aspens gorgeous, but as we headed down a road towards Lava Point, the Oak trees were magnificent reds, oranges, and purples!

At a midpoint in our day, we took a five mile hike down the West Rim Trail from outside Zion National Park into the park. The cool air and yellow trees were Fall at its best!

To top off the day, we took a road above 9,000 feet where the temperature dipped below freezing. The Aspens, even without their leaves at this elevation, looked just as picturesque.

Southern CA with Grandparents!

It had been over a year since Scott was able to go fishing on the Victory with Captain George, so a visit to Long Beach was a must before the summer ended. 

Grandma and Grandpa K flew to Las Vegas and with a truck full, we set out to show Ella the Pacific Ocean. It wouldn't be a trip to Southern California without a stop in Victorville at Los Robertos Taco Shop to gorge ourselves on their Tecate Quesadillas. 

Once we arrived in Long Beach and Scott navigated the oh so horrible lack of parking, we discovered that our AirBnB that slept four turned out to be a studio apartment...oops! Good thing everyone is easy going! Nothing says, "Family Vacation" like your Mother-in-law walking around in her nightgown! Even Ella kept quiet during the night to ensure a good night's sleep for everyone.

We started out the trip with a visit to Newport Beach (which was packed because of the Championship World Cup Game; congratulations France!) and then off to El Moro Beach State Park. What a beautiful beach that Scott and I fully intend to return to with our camper! The surrounding cliffs were impressive, the water was crystal blue and the waves were forceful! Breastfeeding Ella with sand all around, however, was much less enjoyable. 

One of the reasons we chose our AirBnB was because of the location; right on the beach. We had a community patio that was a perfect spot to eat evening dinner and watch the sun set.

The next day Scott and Dad set out early to board the Victory with Captain George. While the fishing wasn't spectacular, the gorgeous day and the friendly company were. They both came back with catches: whitefish, sand bass, and sculpin, which Scott fried up for fish tacos when we returned to Las Vegas! While the boys were catching dinner, Mom, Sara, and Ella walked the area all around Long Beach and gave Ella a day off to do her normal baby things. 

Of all the places in the world that Mom and Dad have been, Catalina Island is not one of them! The following day, we took the ferry from Long Beach to Avalon and enjoyed a wonderful day swimming, walking, and golf-carting around the island. 

We headed back to Las Vegas the next day to enjoy a couple more days relaxing in the pool before Mom and Dad returned to Michigan. The drive home was uneventful (Ella was fantastic and had slept nearly the entire drive) until we reached downtown construction and traffic in Las Vegas on I-15. . Once the car stopped moving, Ella was up and HUNGRY! Without an easy exit, no bottles and only my breast available, I unbuckled and hovered over Ella so she could eat. 

Lessons learned: With lots of sunscreen, a hat, and long sleeves, babies don't burn :) Finding parking in Long Beach is miserable, Ella loves being on the move (whether in the car or stroller), Dad doesn't snore nearly as bad as I thought he did, my family is pretty darn open, flexible, and understanding, I'm one very blessed daughter, wife, and mom. 



North Rim Grand Canyon, AZ

With the temperatures in Las Vegas consistently over 100, we decided that the crazy idea of camping with a two month old might not be that crazy. Only four and a half hours away, the North Rim of the Grand Canyon was the perfect escape: free camping in the national forest, camping in isolation so Ella's cries won't disturb anyone, and of course, the incredible views of the the second largest canyon on Earth! 


We arrived Friday afternoon, set up camp, and decided to give our new bike trailer a try. An 'Offer Up' purchase made the day before we left, the bike trailer worked out perfectly. With Ella unable to hold her head up just yet, we strapped her carseat into the trailer and road down some trails near our campsite. Ella just looked around as Scott rode through the aspen trees. As sunset was approaching, we headed to the lodge to grab some food and watch the sun set over the canyon. 

I was a little nervous (or rather, a lot nervous) about Ella being too cold in the trailer at night. With lows in the 50s, I wasn't about to let Ella lose any fingers just yet ;) Scott is always prepared, and with a propane heater, she was just perfect! She slept as she would have at home. 

Saturday morning was beautiful! We headed up Cape Royal Road, where we took a four mile hike through the forest to Cape Final; a point overlooking the vast canyon. With some diapers, wipes, PB&J for us, and my boobs for Ella, we headed off on the forested plateau. Despite our best efforts, however, Ella came back with sunburnt cheeks. :( They are healing well, but it was so hard to see her in pain when she touched them. 

We were pleasantly surprised with how well the weekend went (despite burnt cheeks and a flat tire on the trailer on the way home). With a few of the right supplies, we can camp with Baby Ella! 

Cape Final hike. Round trip 4.2 miles. 

Cape Final hike. Round trip 4.2 miles. 

Kolob Canyon, UT

We hadn't taken a trip since the New Year so we were itching to go somewhere for Ella's first adventure. With a truck filled with a baby, dog, stroller, play mat, Rock 'n Play, and sixty (yes, 6-0) diapers, we decided to visit Duane in Leeds, UT and do some local exploring. 

Ella's onesie says it all, "The Adventure Begins!" 

Ella's onesie says it all, "The Adventure Begins!" 

Our visit included a ride in the truck up to Kolob Reservoir at 8,000 feet, where we saw a bald eagle! The views of the backside of Zion National Park were spectacular and the Reservoir was a great spot for lunch and for Topo to run around. 

The next day we took a quick hike up to an old Aviation Navigation Arrow on the top of a ridge near Quail Creek Reservoir. The arrows were used in the 1920s for nighttime airmail routes between Los Angeles and Salt Lake City. Ella also saw a little of her first National Park, Zion, but with the high temperatures, a baby and a dog, we decided to keep our explorations to a minimum. 

On our way home, we stumbled upon a dirt road from Grafton to Apple Valley, UT, where we discovered future 'away from the masses' campsites and the views of Zion from the south side were impressive! Ella also acquired her first school desk we found at an antique store! Despite a poop explosion (from Ella, just for clarification) and an evening with a very fussy baby (again for clarification, Ella) we had a great time!

Happy 2018 from Yosemite National Park!

It had been a loooong time (since summer) that we had gone camping so we were itching to go somewhere. With nearly a week off after New Years, we decided to start 2018 at Yosemite, a National Park that Sara had yet to see. It seemed perfect as not only was the weather going to unseasonably warm (highs in the 50s), but the crowds were going to be minimal this time of year. 


We spent our first full day hiking to the top of Upper Yosemite Falls. The 7.5 mile, 2,600ft. elevation gain hike took us about six hours. The views of the lower falls and the valley were stunning. 

With our legs more than a tad sore, we spent the next day riding around the valley on our bikes, stopping at various small walks and museums. We learned that biking is a great way to get around to all the areas in Yosemite Valley. 

During winter the famous Half Dome hike is closed. We decided that not only do we have to return to summit Half Dome, but we'd also like to do a little more back country backpacking, away from all the people :). Until then...

Thanksgiving in AZ & NM, 2017

We spent the week of Thanksgiving traveling to visit family. First stop: Show Low, AZ. We had lots of laughs while enjoying the gorgeous weather at 6,500 ft. The highlight was shooting produce (oranges and potatoes) with AR-15s and 9mm handguns. Tyler even took part in the action!

Stop number two: Las Cruces, NM. Duane and Mom Lautzenheiser accompanied us to my parents. While traveling between states we stopped at "The Catwalk" in Glenwood, NM. The modern engineering path down the old mining canyon was quite impressive. While in NM, we explored Dripping Springs National Monument with a hike up Filmore Canyon. The weather was fabulous and the company was even better!

Happy 70th Birthday Dad!

Dad was turning 70 on August 12th. The family planned a surprise gathering for him in Detroit the last weekend in July. With a couple days filled with family, baseball, beautiful weather, and making more memories, it couldn't have been any more perfect. Happy 70th Dad! We love you! 

Back to the Beautiful San Juan Mountains, Colorado

It has become an annual summer retreat for the Lautzenheisers to explore the impressive San Juan Mountains below via Jeep Trails.

Red Mountain #1, #2, and #3....those are really the names. 

Red Mountain #1, #2, and #3....those are really the names. 

This year, we stopped in Cedar City, Moab, and Twin Lakes on the way to our final destination of Silverton, the southern most town of the San Juan Range. While in Cedar City, we broke in our new mountain bikes on Lichen It Trail. Moab gave Scott the chance to revisit the trails that he and his brothers had ridden in the past. 

After leaving Utah, we attempted to visit the famous Bells Maroon area, but all the campsites within a million miles were full, so we continued on. We ended up well above the clouds on Independence Pass and finally settled in a campground on Twin Lakes, which was beautiful. 

Once in Silverton with Duane and Mom, the days just got better. We started out on Corkscrew Gulch (where we had to turn around last year due to a broken jeep) to California Gulch with Como Lake in between. The red mountains were just as impressive as we'd remembered. The drivers decided to take it easy on day two, where we traversed Stony Pass and did a historical tour of the town. Our final full day took us across Engineer Pass (with nearly a 360 degree view of the mountains) to Lake City and back to Silverton on Cinnamon Pass.

Anxious to return to Patches, we (meaning Scott) drove back home in one day, with a couple stops. First, the not-so-impressive Four Corners Monument. Fun fact: the monument isn't even on the four corners. If you stand on the monument, you're actually only in New Mexico. Ha...suckers! Finally, we stopped at the famously photographed Horseshoe Bend in Page, AZ. Although the gorge was impressive, there were too many people for our liking. From afar, all the tourists walking to and from the lookout looked like ants on a hill.  

Escaping the Heat to Northern Nevada

We took an impromptu trip to Northern Nevada to escape the 115 degree temperatures. With our camper hitched, tent packed, and Topo's head out the window, we left Patches in good hands and headed north. 

Last summer, we visited Lamoille Canyon and were greatly impressed. While hiking across Liberty Pass, we saw some tent campers near the alpine lakes, and told ourselves, "That will be us one day." While most people upgrade from tent camping to trailer camping to motorhomes, we took a step backwards from our pop-up trailer  and bought ourselves a quality tent and lightweight sleeping bags to backpack to these gorgeous alpine lakes.

Our first stop was Great Basin National Park, where we surprised our neighbors, who just so happened to be camping there. Stop number two was Angel Lake, located south of Wells, Nevada. A beautiful waterfall, surrounded by green grasses backdropped the isolated lake. We spent the afternoon hiking around the lake where Topo was happily reintroduced to snow. 

The following day we set up camp at Thomas Canyon Campground in Lamoille Canyon and set out to explore. With a greater amount of snowfall this year than last, and visiting the canyon two weeks earlier than last year, massive amounts of snow were yet to melt. Island Lake, a 4-mile round trip hike, was mostly covered with ice. The heavy snow, however, only made the granite cliffs more picturesque. 

Realizing that the snow levels were still high, we headed up to Liberty Pass the next day with our gear packed, ready to camp next to a frozen alpine lake. Although our initial trail became too risky to traverse, we found another route hiking through high snow levels and crossing quick flowing streams to make it to Lamoille Lake and Dollar Lakes. We were relieved! With a cold night ahead, we climbed into our sleeping bags and slept surprising well. 

With our goal met, tired legs, and even a worn out Topo, we headed back south to embrace both Patches and the suffocating heat. 

Spring Break Part II: Camping at Two Harbors on Catalina Island

We spent a couple nights tent camping twenty feet from the coastline! Before hopping on the Catalina Express, we stopped in to San Pedro's Brewery to some locally brewed beer. While at Two Harbors, we broke in some of our new camping gear, such as the AMAZING Jetboil! It boils water in less than minute so we could enjoy fresh coffee in the mornings and hot meals in the evening. We hiked an eight mile route up to one of the highest points on the island, with a view of both the East and West coasts. The landscape was still a healthy green and there were wildflowers scattered everywhere! The beach, however, was not as picturesque with a red coating of washed up baby lobsters.

Spring Break Part I: Fishing and Newport Beach

As teachers with a week off for Spring Break, we would feel guilty not taking advantage of the time off. Scott had the chance to get back on the ocean with Bud and Petra to do some deep sea fishing with none other than Captain George. They were able to get their catch cooked up as soon as they docked. I joined a day later where we spent the afternoon exploring Newport Beach on bikes. Of course no trip to the beach would be complete without a visit to Joe Josts to enjoy some good beer, shuffleboard and pickled eggs!

Quail Hunting

Last weekend we went to Kane Springs Wash, which is a very long valley that connects the 93 Fwy to the old railroad stop pf Elgin, NV.   We stopped at a couple of guzzlers and Sara spotted a covey of quail.   We were able to get two birds and Topo had her first quail flush!!!  This weekend, to reinforce Topos first hunting success, we headed back out to Kane Springs and stopped at Willow Spring, which had a lone tree and fresh spring.  Sure enough, Sara spotted another covey walking away from the spring.   With the dog's help, we were able to get three more birds, and Topo flushed 2 of them herself!   We saw petroglyphs and traveled to visit the schoolhouse at Elgin before heading home for a fresh quail dinner.  It was a successful trip and perfect day to be outside.


Fossil Hunting

With one week off for Christmas break before family came into town, we were able to accomplish a lot of projects around the house, but we wanted to make sure we got out and had some fun too. Under a cloudy, misty day, we packed the dogs up and drove out towards Fossil Ridge to find ourselves some fossils. We ended up hiking directly in the low lying clouds and the cool rain, which was beautifully refreshing! 

Thanksgiving Week

The school district restructured its calendar and we were given an entire week off for Thanksgiving! We spent the first few days in Show Low, AZ visiting with Scott's family and the last few days in Las Cruces, NM visiting with mine. 

While in AZ, we hiked around a serene alpine lake near the Mogollon Rim, Topo played enthusiastically with Rosey, and we spent quality time with the family. Nearing three, Tyler, a truck enthusiast, brings so much joy to the household!

In NM, we hiked around Picacho Peak, where we saw a couple coyotes. While walking near the Rio Grande River, Topo successfully chased her first covey of quail. Scott was very proud! The trip wouldn't be complete without a trip to the Coas Map Room nor the purchase of Hatch Chilies! 

Hunting 101 with Professor Patches

We spent a beautiful Sunday afternoon near Searchlight, NV (the birthplace of Harry Reid) introducing Topo to hunting. With her stellar sense of smell, Patches led Topo around the desert, sniffing for quail. Although we didn't see a single quail, the dogs played in the Colorado River and Topo figured out exactly what to do when Scott fires the in fired direction and recover the dead. With better luck next time... 

Ouray, Colorado

It was our last trip of the summer, extreme sad face. The destination: the San Juan Mountains in southwestern Colorado. For Scott and Duane, this would be their third time there. For Marcia, trip number two. For me, my first time. And let me tell you, I was amazed! Despite both Scott's and Duane's jeeps needing welding jobs while we were there, the vacation still surpassed my expectations. The dogs chased marmots, the rain pitter-pattered on the trailer as we slept, wildflowers bloomed everywhere, and the mountains reflected the sun beautifully. Until next time...

Ouray 1.png

North Rim Grand Canyon

As temperatures in Las Vegas rose to 118°, we decided to take the dogs and get out of the heat. With the North Rim of the Grand Canyon only four hours away and 30° cooler, we packed up the Skamper and the dogs. The Kaibab National Forest has tons of forest service roads that lead right up to the edge of the canyon. With a plethora of free dry camping spots available we made the impromptu decision to visit the rim.   

Beerfest in Michigan!

We spent a wonderful long weekend at my brother's house hanging out. The pinnacle of the trip was the Ypsilanti beer festival where over 100 Michigan breweries had over 1,000 different beers on tap. While we weren't drinking beer, Zaina and Vivienne were our entertainment. Good times!