Logandale, Nevada
Logandale, northeast of Las Vegas, has some great trail riding along its red rocks and sand. Scott, Duane drove (and I rode) the YFZs around the trails for the afternoon.
Our first trip together was for the 4th of July to Brian Head, Utah. We watched fireworks over the lake and rode the Bombadier around the area. I even drove it, not realizing it didn't have power steering...fortunately I recovered quickly and we didn't end up in a ditch. We camped with Duane (and his massive motorhome). We then drove north to Marysvale, UT where we took the jeeps up to the Radio Tower, over 11,000 ft.
We spent the 4th of July watching fireworks in Brianhead, UT surrounded by great people, including Duane. We rode quads and relished in the cooler weather (including hail!). From there we headed off to Marysvale, where we took the jeeps up a great trail will a beautiful view of the area. It was Sara's first time on a quad and first time in a jeep.