Miles Scott Lautzenheiser is here!

On September 23, 2019 at 5:44pm, we welcomed Miles into the world! He was a whopping 8 pounds, 9.5 ounces and 19 inches long. His somewhat uneventful arrival went as follows:


At 10am, Scott and I went to Mountain View Hospital for my induction appointment. By 11am, I was on a small amount of pitocin to dilate my cervix from 3cm to the all important 10cm! Because there were lots of babies being delivered that day, I was placed in a pre-delivery room with an awesome nurse, Bobbi.

After a few hours and an increase in the amount of pitocin being administered, I was dilated to 5cm. Things weren’t going as fast as I was hoping, but that was sure about to change. At 5cm, I requested the epidural (no need to feel those contractions anymore if I didn’t have to). After the epidural, Bobbi increased my pitocin and that definitely got the ball rolling; so much so, that she had to turn down my pitocin drip as my contractions were becoming too strong and too close together too quickly.

By 4:30pm, I was dilated to 8cm and they were ready to move me into a delivery room that had opened up. By the time I was wheeled down the hallway, I was at 10cm and ready to go! The nurses tell you that if you feel pressure, like you have to poop pressure, let them know. Well, I told Bobbi that I felt poop pressure. She checked between my legs (that were up in the stirrups at that point) and said, “Put your legs down and don’t laugh.” Scott looked and said, “Well, he doesn’t have red hair.”

Fortunately, Dr. Swainston, my OB/GYN, is willing to cut people off in the pouring rain for his patients, so he arrived to the hospital on time. After requesting, “Where are my residents? I’m not here to do this,” Dr. Wing (a resident doctor of his office) flew through the door. After about 5 minutes of pushing, out came Miles! Unlike Ella’s delivery, Scott was able to cut the umbilical cord this time and little Miles was laid on my chest.

Miles' last day in the womb!

Our little ‘big’ baby boy is almost here! At his last ultrasound appointment (9.20.19), Miles is measuring 8 pounds and 7 ounces! He has a head an abdomen in the 98th percentile and arms and legs in the 5th percentile. Because of my concern of his size (as a possible result of my gestational diabetes), I requested that I be induced one week early so Miles can start regulating his own sugars. There is a small concern with the size of his heart walls are a little thick. Again, this is probably the result of my diabetes…another reason to get him the hell out! Good news is that the pediatric cardiologist said that it should resolve itself after a couple weeks out in the world!